The benefits of electronic signature in real estate
The real estate sector is a sensitive sector for everyone’s wealth and for the finances of the state. This is why its activity is very controlled, and which says control, says ubiquitous signatures in the management of a property. Until the Alur Law and more recently the Elan Law these signatures were the main obstacles to the dematerialization of documents. But now the electronic signature has the same legal value as the handwritten signature and therefore allows the removal of the paper.
The dematerialization of documents is rapidly modernizing the sector. The electronic signature lightens the entire documentary chain since from now on everything is automatable. Remote electronic signature saves you even more time since many documents are signed without a physical encounter or before it is needed!
Applications of electronic signature in real estate
What documents will you and your customers be able to sign electronically?
Sales mandate and lease mandate
For owners not residing in the property (and your agency), the ability to immediately remotely sign a warrant will allow you to get more commitment. Indeed your client can sign as soon as you have convinced him (by phone, or by internet) that you are the right interlocutor to take care of his property. Thus limiting the risk that a competitor will convince him by the time he receives and returns the mandate as is the case in paper version.
Visit ings
The application is interesting here because by having your potential buyer sign remotely before your visit, it prevents you from discussing the administrative part with him during the visit.
Bail bond
This is perhaps the biggest step forward: forget the 20 lines of text that the guarantor had to fill and that you had to control painfully. Now electronic signature avoids this formalism. Changes in legislation sometimes get really good!
Offer to buy and sell compromise
We are dealing here with sensitive acts. You will offer the opportunity to the signatories to seal their commitment as soon as their choice is priced and whatever the time of their decision.
Leasing lease
Signing leases remotely is a valuable time saver in tense times such as back-to-school for university towns. Students who want to rent an apartment without moving because they enjoyed the good on the internet can sign their lease instantly. And a small reminder, their guarantor can also sign the bond electronically. It is also ideal for seasonal rentals where vacationers are often on the other side of the country or the world.
State of play
If the former occupant cannot be present during the state of play, this will no longer prevent him from remotely signing your statement. This speeds up the work or the refund of the residual security deposit to close your file.
Electronic signature in real estate and preconceived ideas
Paper documents should be kept in the event of a review or dispute.
No,if you have your documents signed with an electronic signature solution with legal value like Docage. Your digital documents are original goods under the law. As such, they have probative value to the administration and the courts. They even have a notable advantage: the qualified time stamping accurately and without possible questioning the day and time of the signing of the document.
Implementing complete dematerialization is expensive.
To this question 3 possible answers:
Not if you choose a turnkey solution like Docage that is operational immediately with no commissioning fees.
A little more expensive if you want to integrate a consent platform into your business software via our API. But the time savings that this integration should provide you with will be depreciated in a few weeks.
Yes if you opt for platforms that do not hesitate to charge you an installation fee between several hundred or thousands of euros for a setting that with Docage is automated.
Trust Docage, the ideal digital consent platform for property management
Une interface simple et une prise en main rapide
Faire signer un document électroniquement avec Docage est aussi simple que d’envoyer un email. En moins d’une minute vous pouvez envoyer votre premier document à signer. Mais le véritable puissance de Docage se révélera lorsque vous utiliserez les modèles qui automatiseront tous vos paramétrages.
Une sécurité accrue
Une signature électronique offre plus de sécurité qu’un document signé à la main. Une fois signé votre document comporte les certificats électroniques pour chaque signataire et un horodatage qualifié eIDAS. La document est ainsi scellé empêchant toute modification ultérieure. Un fichier de preuves l’accompagne, le tout étant archivé pendant 10 ans.
La plateforme de consentement avec un rapport prestation-prix inégalé
A 0.75 € vous bénéficiez d’une offre unique qui inclus tout ce dont vous pouvez avoir besoin : parcours de consentement, certificats de signature électronique, horodatage qualifié et archivage pendant 10 ans ! Comparés aux 4,70 € d’une gestion de signature par email, ou aux 9,60 € d’une gestion de signature par courrier, le retour sur investissement est immédiat et sans égal. Sachant que les 0.75 € ne sont débités qu’en cas de signature de votre document, sinon c’est gratuit.
S’il vous reste un doute sur l’intérêt financier de Docage, vous pouvez calculer en direct votre tarif. Visualisez les économies et les revenus que vous pouvez générer grâce à notre simulateur de tarifs.
Des fonctionnalités adaptées à vos documents
Non seulement notre plateforme de consentement électronique vous permet faire signer électroniquement vos documents, mais en plus vous bénéficiez de fonctionnalités exclusives comme :
- Les relances automatiques par email des signataires qui augmentent le taux de signatures.
- La génération par lot de vos transactions qui vous permet de générer plusieurs milliers de transactions en une seule opération.
- L’archivage pendant 10 ans de vos transactions et de leur fichier de preuve.
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